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So long as we live, we are sexually active. Depending on your outlook on sex, you might consider enough to simply have sex (the usual approach), or you might be open to honing skills and trying out some not-so-usual things too.

No, I’m not implying dangerous, risky, or insane things—with sex, the second one says unusual, people freak out thinking God-knows-what! I’m referring to things that are out of the habitual for most people, yet still safe and enjoyable for the majority of people. I’m still careful to explain what I mean and put my readers (especially the new ones) at ease.

What is the purpose of ”practice?”

Practice is done by anyone wanting to improve their skills or reach certain performance levels in their field.
This doesn’t mean they heal something or work on a problem, but only that they improve their craft—whatever that may be.

Players of any sport have a recurring practice. People who want to grow in their careers do recurring tasks intended to make them better at their chosen job.

What does practice have to do with a vibrant sex life?

We’ve been fed so many unrealistic stories about romance and love that, no—sexual practice doesn’t sound sexy at all!

However, in long-term relationships practices might actually be a component to keep a relationship functional in the sex and intimacy department! If you didn’t think that couples who thrive after many years don’t put in some amount of effort, then I invite you to think again.

But who said sexual practices are a nuisance? Or a drag? In my years of doing them, I’ve grown to feel pleasure while doing my practices. And, most times, I do have happy endings! 🙂 Who said sexuality growth or mastery work was gloomy?! Nobody did. You may have thought that way because you haven’t heard anyone in the seduction, dating, and romance field mention practice. But it might be time to try out practices and give them some time if you’ve never done them before. As with anything new and not so usual, it takes a bit of time to get the hang of.

One last thought to shift your mentality: how else would you spend your sexually active years if not enjoying and getting good, better, or even great at sex?

I introduce you to 3 levels of sexual practice

The common sexual practices, level one, include self-pleasuring (a.k.a.: masturbation), engaging in one’s fantasies, or talking about sexual preferences with a partner.

The next level up is to bring a technique or something not so usual into your habitual expression. Or bring more things. It’s not a standalone thing, but rather an ingredient brought in to spice things up.

The third level or skillfulness in intimacy is when you take time to hone a skill as a standalone. Why? For the love of sex and intimacy!

I dove into more details in a video:


Work with me through:
An evaluation session (via ZOOM), the 1-to-1 coaching package, English online classes in the sexDOJO™ for women (five complex programs, with concepts explained, practices facilitated, Q&As) Romanian introductory online classes (only for Romanian speakers). You can also join my newsletter, where I announce firsthand all my news and launches.

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