Multe probleme din viața ta (sănătatea psiho-emoțională, fizică, sau intimitate) țin de stilul tău de…
Liana Buzea23/10/2024
Many issues in your life (pertaining to mental, emotional, physical health, or even intimate relationships)…
Liana Buzea23/10/2024
What if a woman cries during an intimate moment about something unrelated? What should be…
Liana Buzea22/10/2024
Și dacă o femeie plânge, într-un moment intim, de probleme care n-au legătură cu asta? …
Liana Buzea22/10/2024
Breathwork, when used in its deepest and most powerful way, is a potent therapeutic resource.…
Liana Buzea19/10/2024
These days, I've been following several heavy topics that many people around the world are…
Liana Buzea10/10/2024
Zilele astea urmăresc mai multe teme grele de care știe multă lume de pe planetă.…
Liana Buzea09/10/2024
Pornhub has published (once again) statistics about searches on their platform. I've seen people from…
Liana Buzea16/08/2023
Pornhub ar fi publicat (din nou) statistici despre căutările de pe platforma lor. Am văzut…
Liana Buzea15/08/2023
I have received a question about cleansing sexual energy. Someone felt their sexual energy had…
Liana Buzea12/04/2023
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